DH Land Sdn Bhd, a renowned property developer, embarked on the challenging Sandville Residence project in Penang, Malaysia. The project presented several unique obstacles. The design remained unfinished, and the company was accustomed to traditional construction methods. Additionally, they faced a tight deadline. As a result, they needed to swiftly grasp new software and explore its many features on the fly.
Challenges Faced
DH Land encountered an array of challenges. They were well-versed in traditional construction methods, and transitioning to new software proved to be a significant challenge. Learning how to use the software while still in the process of learning itself presented a steep learning curve, requiring time and dedication. The software boasted numerous features to explore, adding complexity to the situation. Understanding how to make the software function effectively resembled solving a puzzle. On the project side, the Sandville Residence had an unfinished design, demanding adaptability. They were also under intense time pressure to master the software and expedite the construction process.
Key Feature Highlights
DH Land embraced Cubicost TAS, TRB, and TBQ, finding several features particularly valuable:
Benefits Gained
Cubicost solutions brought significant benefits:
Implementation Journey with Glodon's Support
Noor Fahimah Binti Muhammad, a Quantity Surveyor, led the way. She began basic training in February 2023 and intermediate training in March 2023. By June 2023, she had already achieved 90% proficiency using TAS. In May 2023, she delved into basic training for TBQ (the consultant version) and accomplished 80% completion of the Bill of Quantities (BOQ).
The Glodon Customer Success (CS) team played a significant role in this success, offering substantial support such as modeling videos and video guidance through Glodon's e-learning platform. They also set up a convenient hotline on WhatsApp for real-time assistance.
Customer Testimony
Noor Fahimah Binti Muhammad commended the Glodon Customer Success team for their high responsiveness and accommodating nature, contributing to improved project outcomes. DH Land utilised Cubicost TAS, TRB, and TBQ to enhance their operations. This adoption helped them streamline processes, reduce staffing requirements, and enhance the accuracy of their projects. This success story underscores their dedication to innovation in construction.
About DH Land Sdn Bhd