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Jasmurni's Digital Construction Story with Cubicost 5D BIM Solutions

In the constantly evolving construction field, Jasmurni Construction Sdn Bhd stands out as a pioneer committed to achieving excellence through digitalisation. They took on an ambitious project, "Trinity Wellnessa Ampang," a massive 31-floor building covering 116,416 square meters.

However, this project had its unique challenges, including unconventional building shapes and uneven floors in the facilities.

Jasmurni Constructions Project-Trinity Wellnessa at Ampang-Project Details

The "Trinity Wellnessa Ampang" project has distinctive challenges, including the intricate design of the RC façade fin and variations in facility floor levels. Within Jasmurni Construction Sdn Bhd, the predominant reliance on traditional construction practices presented hurdles, particularly for the majority of Quantity Surveyors. Adapting to new technology was difficult, and the need for frequent software usage to avoid procedure and step obsolescence was recognised. Additionally, limited computer resources added complexity to the technological transition.


Key Feature Highlights

Jasmurni highlighted the following features as most valuable:

TAS Logo 2-1 Auto-generate the schedule of finishes for "Room function": Simplifies and automates the scheduling of finishes, saving time and reducing manual work.

TAS Logo 2-1 Click identify for precise results: Offers a more accurate identification process, especially when CAD drawings lack proper layering.

TAS Logo 2-1 Segmentation for sub-contracting: Streamlines sub-contracting processes, making it convenient for contractors to manage different parts of the project efficiently.


Benefits Gained

1. Efficient Segmentation
Provides convenience when scenarios require splitting one trade of work across different contracts or gangs.
2. Superimposed Drawing for Error Reduction
Minimises errors and discrepancies by making it easier to trace discrepancies in drawings, improving accuracy.
3. Flexible Quantity Generation
Generates quantities in a flexible and adaptable manner, making it easier to work with complex project requirements.
benefits gained from cubicost 5d bim

Implementation Journey with Glodon

Jasmurni Construction's implementation journey with Glodon was marked by the successful completion of the entire "Trinity Wellnessa Ampang" project in approximately 5-6 months, utilising TAS. The dedicated Customer Success team played a pivotal role, consistently providing solutions to challenges. TAS significantly eased the process for Quantity Surveyors, allowing them to illustrate the project comprehensively and communicate effectively with subcontractors through the TAS modelling platform, streamlining the overall construction process.

Customer Testimony

Cubicost 5D BIM client testimony

In a powerful customer testimony, Quantity Surveyor Brandon Chung Shui Chong emphasises the Customer Success team's profound understanding of Jasmurni Construction's unique needs, goals, and challenges. He highlights their proactive approach in actively listening to customers during onboarding and throughout their journey with Glodon, underscoring the team's dedication and support.

Jasmurni's story demonstrates the potential of technology in overcoming construction challenges and driving excellence in the industry.


About Jasmurni Construction Sdn Bhd

jasmurnis logo

Jasmurni Construction Sdn Bhd, along with its subsidiary Jasmurni Development Sdn Bhd, is a prominent main contractor with expertise in both building and civil construction. The organisation specialises in the construction of commercial and residential buildings, encompassing high-rise and low-rise projects.



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